You would think that after a few years of teaching teenagers, nothing would or could shock me anymore. However, one of the beauties of this profession is that these precious children keep everything fresh-nothing old and boring in the world of 12th Grade English!!! Here's what I'm trying to figure out: at what point did it become the responsibility of the adult to cushion the life of the child to the degree that I'm seeing today? I don't mean that they don't need to be protected from danger, and they ABSOLUTELY need their innocence sheltered for as long as is possible...what I mean is that there seems to be this new trend that says if a consequence for an action HURTS them, then by golly let's find a new way to "teach" them a lesson. Don't let the precious children, in any way, suffer for their actions...let's, by all means, work around their schedule and find a consequence that works for them. They are, after all, the, wait...
Okay, having two children, I know how hard it can be to punish them when they've done something wrong. I am constantly tempted to put off discipline because I'm tired and don't want to deal with it, or because I know they've already had a bad day, or because, honestly, they just won't like me very much once I hand out the consequence. And there have been times I've given in to that little voice that says, "just this once, let it go." And then I have to deal with my own set of consequences, which revolve around having to then regain the respect of my child as an authority figure. Not a pretty cycle.
However, I regroup, and as a general rule, my child does something wrong, I punish. Why? Because, obviously, I want to prevent future problems, and I hope the punishment will not make them repeat their offense. But also it goes deeper than that. I want to make them understand that the CHOICES they make now will HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!! And not consequences that fit their terms, but consequences that the world hands out to them based simply on their actions!
Tardiness equals getting fired from a job, not spending wisely equals financial troubles, sex equals pregnancy/STDs - these are not consequences where someone can come in and say, "oh, this doesn't work for you? how can I fix it where you like it better? what can I do to make you happy?" THE WORLD WILL NOT REVOLVE AROUND THEM...and yet, in school it seems like that is what they expect -
I didn't study so can you postpone the test? I got caught cheating, so can I just redo the test? I can't make it to detention tomorrow, but Thursday's good for me, so I'll see you then, Mrs. Ricketts... SERIOUSLY??? REALLY???
When did it get like that? My parents barely asked my opinion about where we were going out to eat on Sundays, much less how I'd like to be punished! My principal at my school didn't even talk to the students when they got into trouble, he simply looked at the discipline chart in the handbook, and then handed out the pre-set punishment.
I just think that the harm we are doing to them goes so much deeper than we realize when we consistently fail to discipline for harmful actions. When they try to negotiate with future bosses, agencies, companies, and society forces in general about the consequences they'd like to receive, they are going to hit a brick wall running, and then they will look back and blame us for the disservice we did to them. And that will be OUR consequence...
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5 years ago
I don't even know where to start with this one. Kids are growing up with a sense of entitlement. It is the same type of thinking that some evacuees have. "I can't (or won't) do this myself, so you need to do it for me or change the rules FOR ME." Parents like you are the exception to the rule these days. I really think that in the case of some high school students, parents have just let go too soon. It's sad..just really, really sad.
I do agree with Elizabeth that parents that discipline their children CONSISTENTLY are the exception to the rule. You and I know what our strong willed children would become if we didn't CONSISTENTLY discipline them. I think that high school parents get to a point of seeing their children as a friend or co-worker rather than a child! But I also think that an administration that condones this behavior really needs to reevaluate how things are handled. =)
AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN!!!Elizabeth mentioned that in the case of some high school students parents have let go too soon......unfortunately, i saw this all too often in THIRD GRADERS!! Just wait til THEY get to your classroom!! =) Have fun!!! And, I have NO IDEA when all this happened because my parents never questioned a teacher when I misbehaved at school! Oh, AND if I forgot my lunch at home, my parents MADE me go without lunch because I wasn't going to starve...guess how often THAT happened after the first time of sitting at lunch with no food surrounded by friends who HAD food?? Teachers would be SUED now if they let the PARENTS enforce that consequence! I could go on and on and on........I just hope I don't fall into the "no consequence trap" just because all the parents around my child are........ thanks for letting me vent! =)
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